- 学生就读于某国际部,成绩中上。申请时,托福为114分。AP三门满分。SAT 1450分。IB分数最终为35分(满分42)。
- 学生没有物理方面的国际级大奖。为了突出个性和申请特点,我们从学生对历史的兴趣入手,通过活动和论文搭建了一条天体物理+历史双专业的独特主线,并在论文中突出深度思考。
- 在申请策略方面,与某T15院校现任院长讨论后,我们建议了选择ED芝加哥大学。主要考虑为以下几点:
- 芝加哥大学对标化分数要求相对宽松,对文书写作的看重程度更高。比起标化分数,文书是我方团队可操作性更高,更能深度帮助学生的因素。
- 芝加哥大学在大陆的ED录取率高,RD几乎没有录取。
- 学生所在高中有历年录取芝加哥的传统。
弥涅瓦在该案例中为学生提供了全局申请把控,课外活动策划,课外活动资源提供等支持, 包括:
利用弥涅瓦的项目经验和资源网络,安排学生参加某商业火箭发射公司实习,并获推荐信。安排学生参加数学建模比赛,并获Honorable Mention奖项。
根据申请策略,我方团队为学生提供了10版以上的Personal Statement(主文书)修改及50余篇各校补充文书的写作,并引入外籍团队和名校招生官进行拼写检查和内容审核。
由于学生SAT较低,我方团队力排众议,坚持学生把握当年的test optional(可不提交分数)政策,最终成功扬长避短,获得录取。
"...When my peers were busy with making new friends at orientations across the Pacific, the month of August heralded the annual Perseid meteor shower and I camped overnight in the mountains. NASA forecast more than 100 meteors per hour streaking across the sky. At midnight, a group assembled with the telescope. The stars were dim and blurred by the city’s light pollution. As no one wanted to go home empty-handed, we decided to sleep in shifts and wait for the visibility to improve. I awakened at 3:00 AM. Sitting beside the bonfire, the only sounds beneath the sky were the crackling flames and my breathing. I enjoyed this solitude in the wilderness. I felt that here in the mountains the world slowed down to wait for me. I recalled my friends abroad and the question that I often got asked: why did the best student of his cohort “fail” to follow his peers’ pace? I recalled Mom’s uncertain encouragement over the phone. I recalled the self-doubt and diminishing courage, the spiritual fight I picked up with myself.
In the darkness, I thought of history. I thought of golden ages, wars, prosperity, disease, peace, and revolution. I thought of Tacitus and Fukuyama. I thought of time and space, entropy, the heat death, and our futile resistance against the second law of thermodynamics. I thought of the meaning of life. Time seemed to pause and then ran fast-forward into dawn. The daylight breaking concluded our fruitless observation. I walked away from the scattered bonfire ash and was momentarily dazed at the scenery..."