- 学生就读于某国际部,成绩优秀。
- 申请时,托福为115分。AP5门满分。无SAT或ACT分数。
- 在申请服务开始时,学生ED早申请华盛顿圣路易斯大学化学专业失利。由于服务开始时间为11月中旬,我方团队通过高效而优质的服务在一个月的紧张日程内完成了学生的ED2以及所有RD申请。
- 在与前任招生官分析讨论后,我们认为学生早申请失利原因在于华盛顿圣路易斯大学作为一所医科强校,化学专业的申请将面临未来医学生(pre-med)的名额挤占,且学生没有标准化考试分数。
- 院校方面,我方根据学生的个体情况进行了大量调研、数据分析、和论证,最终锁定了有ED2政策中排名较高,把握较大的范德堡大学。
弥涅瓦在该案例中为学生提供了全局申请把控,课外活动策划,课外活动资源提供等支持, 包括:
根据申请策略,我方团队为学生提供了8版以上的Personal Statement(主文书)修改及50余篇各校补充文书的写作,并引入外籍团队和名校招生官进行拼写检查和内容审核。
“What is law?”
After my question, the teenagers on the other side of Zoom fell into bewilderness.
Even in junior high, this rudimentary concept is alien to them, as most of them are left-behind teens in the underdeveloped areas, which are nearly synonyms to “illiteracy” and “juvenile crime”. Among the kids, I saw XX, a 14 years old boy, 5-feet tall, with innocent eyes, who got used to raging on the streets after dropping out of the under-resourced school and almost turned a fight into broken hearts of two immigrant worker families with a switch-blade. I was deeply saddened the fact and determined to do something in the “Propagation for Eight Minutes”.
“Have you ever fought someone?”
Half hands raised.
“Do you know the legal consequences?”
All hands down.
Astonished by the extent of legal illiteracy, I decided to take questions and illustrate the consequences accordingly.
“What if I punched in the face of my former classmate?” XX asked defiantly.
“That depends on how hard you hit.” The kids burst into laughter, but it was not funny to me.
“What if I stabbed him?”
“Death penalty, but could also be life imprisonment, given your age”, I replied seriously.